
Throughline Learning offers multiple avenues for collaboration and learning. In addition to partnerships centered on our services, we also offer project-based opportunities for individuals, schools, and districts.



Social Emotional Learning Fellowship

Are you an educator, school counselor, support staff, or building leader interested in integrating more tiered strategies for student self-regulation into your school or classroom? Claim your seats today for our virtual Social Emotional Learning Fellowship (SELF)!

Tutoring (400x400)

Research Study: 

High-Dosage Math Tutoring

In partnership with ASSISTments, Throughline Learning is looking for partner elementary and middle schools interested in launching high-dosage tutoring models that leverage locally hired school staff and community members.

Persistence Use Case

Research Study: 

Thinking Routines Supporting Eureka Math

Throughline Learning is looking for partner elementary schools using Eureka or Eureka Squared math curriculum with students in grades 2-5. The study will provide free professional learning supports and will investigate the impact of a problem solving thinking routine on teacher and student outcomes.